سنتعرف فى هذه الحلقة على الأسماء فى اللغة الانجليزية و أقسامها المختلفة ان شاء الله . الشرح كتابى و فيديو و اى استفسار يمكنكم تركه فى التعليقات ✏
Nouns الأسماء
A noun is a word for a person, place, or thing. (You might like to think of nouns as "naming" words.) Everything we can see or talk about is represented by a word that names it. That "naming word" is called a noun.
- الأسماء هى ألفاظ تعنى أشخاص او أفكار او أشياء ....الخ
The Two Main Noun Categories: Common Nouns and Proper Nouns :
A common noun is the word used for a class of person, place, or thing (e.g., person, city, dog).
A proper noun is the given name of a person, place or thing, i.e., its own name (e.g., Michael, New York, Rover). A proper noun always starts with a capital letter.
What Is It? What's Its Name?
A common noun answers the question "What is it?"
A proper noun answers the question "What's its name?"
Q: What is it?
A: It is a bridge.
Q: What's its name?
A: It is London Bridge.
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Different Types of Nouns
A noun can usually be further categorized depending on its meaning or its structure.
A Noun Will Often Fit into Several Categories
It is not unusual for a noun to fit into several noun categories. For example, the common noun mother-in-law is a gender-specific noun (it's always a female), a concrete noun (it's something you can perceive), a countable noun (it's something you can count), and a compound noun (it's made up of more than one word).
Below is a list of the different types of nouns with examples:
Nouns Type | Definition | Examples | التعريف بالعربى |
Abstract Nouns | nouns that have no physical existence and are not concrete. They refer to ideas, emotions or concepts so you CANNOT see, touch, hear, smell or taste something that is an abstract noun. |
love, time, happiness, bravery, creativity, justice, freedom, speed |
الأسماء المعنوية هى الأسماء التى تدل على أشياء معنوية لانستطيع أن نلمسها او نتعامل معها على أساس الوجود المادى |
Concrete Nouns | nouns which refer to people and things that exist physically and that at least one of the senses can detect (can be seen, felt, heard, smelled/smelt, or tasted). | dog, tree, apple, moon, coin, sock, ball, water | الأسماء الملموسة هى الأسماء التى لها وجود فيزيائى نستطيع لمسها |
Collective Nouns | words that refer to a set or group of people, animals or things. | group, staff, team, crew, herd, flock, bunch | الأسماء التجميعية هى الكلمات التى تدل على مجموعة او جماعة |
Compound Nouns | nouns made up of more than one word.Some compound nouns are hyphenated, some are not, and some combine their words to form a single word. | toothbrush, rainfall, sailboat, mother-in-law, well-being, alarm clock, credit card | الأسماء المركبة هى الأسماء التى تتكون من أكثر من كلمة |
Countable Nouns | nouns that CAN be counted. They have a singular and a plural form and can be used with a number. Sometimes countable nouns are called count nouns. | car, desk, cup, house, bike, eye, butterfly | الأسماء المعدودة هى الأسماء التى تدل على أشياء يمكن عدها و التى يمكن أن تأتى بصيغة المفرد او الجمع |
Uncountable Nouns | nouns that CANNOT be counted. These are sometimes called Mass Nouns. | substances: paper, wood, plastic liquids: milk, oil , juicegases: air, oxygen abstract ideas: happiness, time, information |
الأسماء الغير معدودة هى الأسماء التى تدل على اشياء لا يمكن عدها مثل المواد و السوائل |
Verbal Nouns | nouns derived from verbs. (Verbal nouns have no verb-like properties.) | a good building a fine drawing an effective attack |
الأسماء المشتقة من الأفعال و لكنها لا تأخذ خصائص الفعل و يسمى النعت الفعلى |
Gerunds | nouns that end -ing and that represent actions. (Gerunds have verb-like properties.) | happily building a tower quickly drawing the scene suddenly attacking the enemy |
اسم المصدر هو اسم يأخذ خصائص الفعل |
Gender-specific Nouns | nouns that are definitely male or female. | king, vixen, actress | التمييز بين الاسماء على حسب الجنس فبعض الاسماء مؤنث و بعضها مذكر |
Common Nouns | used to name a GENERAL type of person, place or thing. | girl, city, animal, friend, house | الأسماء الشائعة هى الأسماء التى تطلق على الأشياء بشكل عام |
Proper Nouns | nouns are used to name a SPECIFIC person, place or thing. In English, proper nouns begin with a capital letter.Proper nouns do not normally have a determiner before them | John, London, Pluto, Monday, France | الاسم العلم هو الاسم الذى يحدد هوية الشخص او الشىء |
قواعد جمع الأسماء
لتحويل الاسم فى اللغة الانجليزية من مفرد الى جمع نتبع الجدول التالى
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